Archive for August, 2012

No joke, there I was. . .  in the convoy yard at Camp Anaconda, Iraq, waiting to roll south through Baghdad to Tallil. The evening was nice and cool, and we had no intelligence about Improvised Explosive Devices on our route. Looked like it was going to be a quiet night. This had been a […]

Soooooo. . . I’ve decided to try a mid-week experiment. I’m posting the first five pages of my upcoming novel, Proof of Our Resolve, in order to see how you guys feel about it. I welcome any feedback, be it good, bad, or soul-crushing. Hope you all enjoy it. Proof of Our Resolve By Chris […]

So there I was, minding my own business. . . then I turned the corner, and saw this illegal alien hanging from a tree in the backyard! Okay, maybe a little back story is in order here. The illegal alien in question was an itsy-bitsy guy nicknamed Pajaro. For those of you without my ethnic […]

I wrote this story because it’s one of my most vivid memories from Afghanistan, and because I feel a bit like an idiot when I look back on it, and on my actions afterward.       So no joke, there I was, on the mean streets/dirt paths of northeastern Afghanistan. A villager had reported a buried […]

You think you know what a case of “the willies” feels like? You touched a snake once, or saw a big spider outside your house, or thought some wild animal was following you during a hike through the woods? That was nothing. Let me tell you about a real case of the willies. So there […]