Archive for May, 2014

My Memorial Day


This man was killed in the Shpee Valley, Kapisa Province, Afghanistan, on August 7th 2009. I was on the mission where he was killed. I didn’t know him. I saw him during a rehearsal before an attack. The next time I saw him, the following morning, he was dead. Two other soldiers and I were […]

I was just sent this Memorial Day tribute video, made by the makers of The Hornet’s Nest. It is very well done, please take a look. Happy Memorial Day, guys.

This was published today on Guys, please go see this movie. ——————————————————————— At first glance, The Hornet’s Nest seems a straightforward documentary about American troops on a combat mission. Second glance, it’s the compelling human story of a war correspondent’s mission to reconnect with his semi-estranged adult son in, of all places, wartime Afghanistan. […]

But gosh, doesn’t it make everyone feel better? I threw this together last night. I don’t think any further explanation is needed. * * * * * * * *

To all you “Sandy Hook truthers” who donated hard-earned money to Wolfgang Halbig: your money was well-spent. Because he went and did it. On May 6th Wolfgang Halbig, the alleged former cop and “Sandy Hook truther” who has been begging his followers for donations, actually went to Newtown, Connecticut to “find the truth” firsthand. And […]