Posts Tagged ‘Afghanistan’

About 2/3 of the way through my Afghanistan deployment, a new intelligence lieutenant arrived at my firebase. By this time my team and I had been in country for a while, had been in several engagements, and had a reputation for being outside the wire all the time. I was an E-7 with twenty years […]

This was published today on Guys, please go see this movie. ——————————————————————— At first glance, The Hornet’s Nest seems a straightforward documentary about American troops on a combat mission. Second glance, it’s the compelling human story of a war correspondent’s mission to reconnect with his semi-estranged adult son in, of all places, wartime Afghanistan. […]

This was published today on BreachBangClear. ————————————————– “When I came home from Iraq, my father asked me if I had been in combat. I answered, ‘Yeah, I was.’ But inside, I wasn’t really sure. Yes, I had been shot at. Sort of. My convoy escort team took sporadic small arms fire which never hit anything, […]

Last week my friend Manal, a fellow aspiring author who is originally from Lebanon, started a blog. On her first blog post she told the story of taking her family to Lebanon for vacation in 2006, only to be blindsided by the outbreak of the Israel-Hezbollah war. She and her family had to be evacuated […]

A few days ago I published a post about Lauren Kay Johnson, an Air Force veteran of the War on Terror ( The Daily Mail newspaper in the UK had written a story about her problems adjusting after her Afghanistan deployment. It also said she had a “milder form of PTSD”, and provided a list […]