Archive for March, 2014

This was published yesterday on ————————————– Folks, our nation is in the grip of a serious crisis. We’ve seen evidence of this crisis many times in the last few months. This isn’t something we can ignore. People are hurting, and we have to do something about it. The crisis? Military posers keep screwing up […]

YOU ARE READING THIS ON AN NSA-CONTROLLED “SHILL” WEB SITE! Know how I know that? Conspiracy theorists said so. A couple of weeks ago I published an essay titled “Refuting Wolfgang Halbig, a Sandy Hook ‘truther’” ( Halbig is supposedly a former police officer and “expert” on school shootings. According to numerous web sites quoting […]

This was published today on BreachBangClear. ————————————————– “When I came home from Iraq, my father asked me if I had been in combat. I answered, ‘Yeah, I was.’ But inside, I wasn’t really sure. Yes, I had been shot at. Sort of. My convoy escort team took sporadic small arms fire which never hit anything, […]

A few weeks back I wrote this essay for BreachBangClear. In the essay, I discussed something that seems pretty obvious to me and a lot of other vets: many veterans are using fake PTSD claims to milk the system for a free monthly handout. That makes it harder for veterans with legitimate problems to […]

A few days ago a reader forwarded me a story about a former police officer and teacher, who “served as an expert in the Columbine and other school shootings”, and is now claiming the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre never happened. This man, Wolfgang Halbig, released an interview in which he listed numerous pieces […]